Từ khóa:
Keywords: Overweight, obesity, primary school, Truong Thanh School, Thu Duc, 2023Tóm tắt
A cross-sectional descriptive study combined with quantitative and qualitative methods was conducted on 2,331 students, 415 parents and 9 involved-persons at Truong Thanh Primary School, Thu Duc City in 2023 to assess the prevalence of overweight, obesity of students and influencing factors. Data collected were based on students' anthropometric measurements, alongside structured interviews encompassing 5 family characteristic factors, 9 childcare-related factors, and 5 aspects concerning the regulation and management of children's diets. Additionally, qualitative data were obtained from in-depth interview with 01 representatives of the School Board, 03 homeroom teachers, 01 physical teacher, 01 school health professional, 03 mothers of overweight and obese students supported by a comprehensive indeph-interview guide. The findings revealed that the proportion of overweight and obese students was 47.8%, with 21.4% classified as overweight and 26.4% as obesity. Various factors contributing to the overweight and obesity of students in Truong Thanh School included (1) a family history of obesity, (2) lack of breastfeeding, (3) frequent consumption of sugary beverages (more than 3 times a week), (4) excessive screen time (more than 4 hours daily), (5) snacking, unrestricted eating habits, (6) bedtime eating and (7) the parental education and control over the student's using of sweets, the amount of fat and available food. Strengthening dietary guidance and monitoring the nutritional intake of children demand increased attention from parents. The school's pivotal role in educating children about dietary habits is crucial.
Keywords: Overweight, obesity, primary school, Truong Thanh School, Thu Duc, 2023
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