Tóm tắt
The study provides more comparative evidence on sensitivity, specificity, convenience, patient acceptance, and cost of stool tests: direct, Kato-Katz, and Ether-Formalin in diagnosing intestinal helminths. We conducted a laboratory-based analytical study design and coordinated qualitative research. Based on the analysis of 190 stool samples, we obtained the following results: The specificity of the Kato-Katz, the direct, and the Ether-Formalin techniques all reached 100%. There are apparent differences in the sensitivity of the above methods. The Kato–Katz technique has the highest sensitivity of 90.00%, while the Ether -Formalin and the direct endoscopy techniques have 80.00% and 70.00%, respectively. Interviews with facilities participating in the study showed that they all implemented the direct stool technique. Still, the Kato-Katz and Ether-Formalin techniques were less commonly deployed for several reasons: the number of patients per day is small, so it takes a long time and complicated processes. 2/5 technicians feel unprepared to conduct the above tests, and all the patients are hesitant when assigned to make a stool test. However, the cost of the tests is considered suitable for most people as laboratory leaders, testing technicians, and patients.
Keywords: intestinal helminths, sensitivity, specificity, direct stool, the Kato-Katz, the Ether-Formalin.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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