Từ khóa:
Keywords: Knowledge, practice, nursing students, prevention of falls.Tóm tắt
A cross-sectional study was conducted with the participation of 250 thirdyear and fourthyear bachelor of Nursing students at Vinh medical university in 2021 to determine their knowledge, practice and some factors related to prevention of falls for patiens .. The questionnaire consists of 39 questions to assess the knowledge and practice of fall prevention for patients. The mean score of fall prevention knowledge among students was 11.52 ± 2.3 per 16 points of the total scale, in which the percentages of students having good, moderate and poor knowledge level of fall prevention were 51.6%, 43.2% and 5.2%, respectively. The percentage of practice points accounted for 48.4% while the level under number was 51.6%, 85.1% of those were in need of training. There was a significant relationship between knowledge and groups that had time to go to the hospital and wanted to participate in a training program on fall prevention (p<0.05). There was a significant relationship between practice and age groups of students who witnessed patients fall and wanted to participate in a fall prevention training program (p<0.05 ). It is necessary to update teaching materials and integrate the content of fall prevention for patients into the subjects of patient care in internal medicine, surgery, etc.., combine clinical teaching methods so that students can draw experience in patient care.
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