Từ khóa:
Keywords: Stress, diabetes, Tra Vinh.Tóm tắt
A cross-sectional study was conducted with the objective of determining the prevalence of stress and related factors among Type 2 diabetes patients at Tra Vinh General Hospital in 2023 through the DDS-17 scale. Data collected on 322 subjects were queried for Type 2 diabetes patients at Tra Vinh General Hospital from April to June, 2023. The results showed that the rate of stress in patients with severe Type 2 diabetes accounted for 19.6 %; the average level accounted for 77.3%; no disease or low incidence accounted for 3.1%. In which, stress related to emotional burden accounted for 99.4% at severe level and 0,6% at moderate level; Stress related to doctors accounted for 1.2% in severity and 58,7% in moderate; Treatment-related stress accounted for 38.5% of severe severity and 60.3% of moderate severity; Stress related in relationships accounted for 1,8% severe and 55.3% moderate. The study recorded a number of factors related to the prevalence of stress of the study subjects such as occupation and duration of Type 2 diabetes.
Keywords: Stress, diabetes, Tra Vinh.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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