Từ khóa:
Keywords: anemia, La Hu, Xo DangTóm tắt
Anemia is still a significant public health problem in poor, developing countries. In Vietnam, research on anemia has existed for more than a decade but has mainly studied women of reproductive age and children; Anemia has been recorded in ethnic minority communities that often suffer from malaria, but no research has been conducted on the two ethnic communities La Hu - Lai Chau and Xo Dang - Quang Nam. The research design is cross-sectional using a secondary data set with a sample size of 713 through systematic random sampling from the original topic, author used SPSS 26.0 software through the tests. Descriptive statistics for the frequency and proportion of anemia characteristics; Use Chi-square to determine the relationship between anemia and some factors.
The overall anemia rate of the La Hu and Xo Dang ethnic groups is 15.6%, with the main level of mild anemia. Male gender has a higher rate of anemia than female gender. The age group of children under 5 years old has a higher rate of anemia than other age groups. The rate of anemia with malaria is 2.7% and the rate of anemia with G6PD deficiency is 3.6%. In particular, there is a statistically significant relationship between the rate of anemia and ethnic factors, gender factors and occupational factors. However, there is no statistically significant relationship between the rate of anemia, the risk of malaria, and the factor of lack of G6PD activity.
Keywords: anemia, La Hu, Xo Dang
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